vOilah! French Film Festival 2023
39th edition
From 9 to 21 November 2023, Alliance Française de Singapour had the honour to co-organize the 39th edition of vOilah! French Film Festival. As part of the Francophonie programme of Ambassade de France à Singapour, the festival was the opportunity to bring the beauty of French 7th art in Singapore, celebrating it in all its diversity. From period drama to dystopias to animation movies, this year’s edition had everything to please amateurs and curious spectators!
Aside our wide lineup of movies, we had the opportunity to host three Q&A sessions, allowing our guests to meet and ask all their questions to the ones behind the camera.
Scroll down to dive back into the events in pictures —

Scenarist Karine Silla and actor and director Vincent Perez for THE EDGE OF THE BLADE.


Actor Paul Kircher and director Thomas Cailley for THE ANIMAL KINGDOM.

Emmanuel Marre and Julie Lecoustre for ZERO FUCKS GIVEN.
As we say goodbye to French Film Festival, we would like to thank all of our guests, partners, staff and over 3400 spectators for making it such a success.
Aurevoir and see you next year!