2-5 years old

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Start young and learn faster 

A gentle introduction to the French-speaking world, children engage in playful activities through songs, dance, stories, games, and more. Placed in groups according to age, children learn new words and language structures, using them in fun and age-appropriate activities. During snack time, toddlers practise lively routines in French demonstrating the French savoir-vivre.

For more information on how the classes perform, click here

Up until the Zouzous 3 class, children are mixed no matter their level of competence in French language. Bilingual classes start at the Zouzous 4 level. All the activities take into account the phases of development of the children, especially at the motor and language building levels; hence the importance to register your child in the age-appropriate group:

Zouzous 1: French class for the 2 years old – your child has to be at least 2 years old when the term starts and not more than 2 years and 11 months old
Zouzous 2: French class for the 3 years old – your child has to be at least 3 years old when the term starts and not more than 3 years and 11 months old
Zouzous 3: French class for the 4 years old – your child has to be at least 4 years old when the term starts and not more than 4 years and 11 months old
Zouzous 4: French class for the 5 years old – your child has to be at least 5 years old when the term starts and not more than 5 years and 11 months old


Our popular Zouzous programme introduces toddlers to French through a structured curriculum enhanced with games, songs, arts and crafts, storytellings and other fun activities. Classes are conducted in French only for a greater immersion. Every term, a specific theme is developed for a more efficient vocabulary enriching process. Children are encouraged to interact in French with each other and participate actively for better results.



Do not hesitate to send us a message (courses@alliancefrancaise.org.sg) or call us at 6817 8165/166 should you have any questions.